Category: evidenza



We are glad to announce that the Spring edition of the RAG/TAG meeting is taking place on May 23rd at Hotel Sopron, in Sopron (HU), 9.30-16.30hrs. The meeting will be a joint meeting with the Amber RFC RAG/TAG. For organizational reasons, we kindly ask you to please confirm your attendance by email ... Read More
24 Gennaio 2024sup3ramm


Baltic-Adriatic RFC is glad to announce on October 9th its Reserve Capacity for 2024 was successfully published in PCS! Customers interested in the Reserve Capacity offer can also download the excel version from this link Please do not forget that the deadline to submit the request is 30 days before first ... Read More
9 Ottobre 2023sup3ramm


We are glad to announce that the Autumn edition of the RAG/TAG meeting is taking place on October 5th at the Italian Minstry of Infrastructures and Transports, 9.30-16.30hrs. The meeting will be a joint meeting with the Amber RFC RAG/TAG and with the working Group of Ports and Rail-Road Terminals of ... Read More
10 Agosto 2023sup3ramm


We are glad to announce that the Spring edition of the RAG/TAG meeting is taking place on May 23rd at the Port of Gdansk (Poland). The event will be organized  as follows: Morning: dialogue sessions with the Advisory Groups (presentations and interactive session) Afternoon: Port site visit: Batic Hub / other ... Read More
17 Marzo 2023sup3ramm


Baltic-Adriatic RFC is glad to announce on October 10th its Reserve Capacity for 2023 was successfully published in PCS! Customers interested in the Reserve Capacity offer can also download the excel version from this link Please do not forget that the deadline to submit the request is 30 days before first ... Read More
10 Ottobre 2022sup3ramm


We are glad to announce that the this year RAG-TAG meeting will take place, on October 7th in Prague (CZ). Many partners of the Corridor are receiving an invitation e-mail and a registration form. But we are open for all those who are interested in the discussion: please fill in the registration ... Read More
2 Agosto 2022sup3ramm


Customer Information Platform & Rail Facilities Portal The RFC Baltic- Adriatic would like to invite you to session regarding the Customer Information Platform and Rail Facilities Portal which is organized in cooperation with RFC Network and RNE on Thursday 28th of April, 14:00-16:00 CET Program Keynote Speech Welcome by Marc Adler, current chairperson of ... Read More
25 Marzo 2022Simona Di Loreto


On 27th of January at 22:10h a system failure has occured on station signaling&control system, which brought to the declaration of an ICM Case, with Železnice Slovenskej Republiky as initiating IM and RFC Baltic Adriatic as coordinating RFC. A first  web/tele-conference (02nd February) , involving Incident Managers and Communication Managers of ... Read More
4 Febbraio 2022sup3ramm


Another year almost over, another Railway Undertakings and Terminal Advisory Groups successfully convened at Baltic-Adriatic Railway Freight Corridor! As in 2020, we could not meet in person, but again we found a way to make the most of this occasion. This year’s goal was to reflect all together on the way the ... Read More
26 Novembre 2021sup3ramm


Baltic-Adriatic RFC just updated its Implementation Plan - CID Book V. The document follows the new common structure agreed by all RFCs under the umbrella of RNE and presents a much more simplified and user friendly structure, with the aim of: Updating important key issues such as the objectives of the ... Read More
29 Ottobre 2021sup3ramm