A guide to questions and answers on how corridor offer

Who is responsible for the coordination of the corridor offer (product, procedures, information …)?

The Corridor One-Stop Shop is responsible for coordinating the product definition, for the sales procedure (see below) and is the unique access point for Applicants. The Management Board of Baltic-Adriatic RFC decided to set up a so-called “dedicated” C-OSS which means that a Manager appointed at this purpose performs the tasks of the C-OSS and acts on behalf of the Management Board. For contacts, click here.

What does Corridor Baltic Adriatic offer?

As all Rail Freight Corridor, and according to the Reg.913/2019, Baltic-Adriatic RFC offers:

  • Pre-Arranged Train Paths (PaPs): pre-defined train paths for the annual timetable, harmonised at borders
  • Reserve Capacity (RC): ad-hoc capacity offered in terms of slots

In the spirit of product improvement based on market requirements, Baltic Adriatic offers special products:

  • ExtraLong and ExtraHeavy Train PaPs: Pre-Arranged Train Paths on which the RU can run a train longer or heavier than usually allowed on that infrastructure stretch, with an economic advantage for the RU
  • Short-Term Capacity Offer: tailor made path for which the deadline for request was lowered to 5 days prior to the train run (offer within 1 day prior to the train run) that the users can request for more than one operational day. The request shall be placed in PCS. Video tutorial and on-demand training are available

How do you know what market wants?

The Corridor One-Stop Shops of all RFCs, under the umbrella of the so-called “C-OSS Community”, jointly and yearly carry out a collection of the customers’ wishes that individual C-OSS take into account when defining the Corridor’s offer together with the Infrastructure Managers, as far as possible.

How do customer apply? How is capacity allocated?

Pre-arranged paths are published by the C-OSS at X-11 in PCS and, for information purposes only in CIP. Reserve Capacity is published by the C-OSS at X-2 in PCS, and, for information purposes in CIP

Using PCS, applicants shall apply for the complete international path from origin to destination in an individual PCS dossier, which might consist of several PaP sections on one or more corridors, including feeder and / or outflow paths. The path request will be managed by C-OSS only if it includes at least one PaP/RC section and crosses at least one border on a corridor.

The C-OSS will allocate PaPs according to pre-defined allocation rules set up in the so-called “Framework for Capacity Allocation” agreed among the relevant Ministries (currently valid FCA downloadable here).


Where are Terms and Conditions defined?

Rules and Rights for Capacity requests can be found:

  • CID Section IVsee here
  • GTC – General Terms and conditions –
    The document that an Applicant is requested to sign and submit to the Corridor, at the latest before placing the request for the Short term Capacity offer , which can be downloaded here