ICM - International Contingency Management

International Contingency Management

With the aim of improving the procedures to be put in place in case of incidents impacting international railway traffic and to minimize their effects, the European Railway Infrastructure Managers, under the umbrella of RNE, have agreed on the so-called “International Contingency Management Handbook” – (More information on the Incident Management Common Procedures and tools can be found here at RNE Website). The key words of the Handbook are:

“Be ready”: at this aim we have drafted a re-routing overview, where detailed information on potential re-routings in case of a line closure are provided. For the moment, the pdf document can be downloaded here. In addition, a specific function (“ICM-Rerouting Options”) on CIP map is available.

“Act quickly”: at this aim, an incident management procedure is described in the Handbook and is put in place in case of an international incidents (i.e. impacting more than 50% of trains on the sections and lasting for more than 3 days). See here for details.

“Be transparent”: a communication process is also provided for the Handbook, where the RFC plays a role of facilitating platform. See here.