Timetable and product development
The Capacity and Timetable Working Group supports the C-OSS in the construction of the Corridor offer, in the improvement of the corridor product quality and in the developments of new corridor products.
For more information, please visit the OUR OFFER

Temporary Capacity Restrictions
Planned Temporary Capacity Restrictions (TCRs) are fundamental to enabling maintenance and renewal works on Railway lines. The aim of the activities of the Working Group TCRs, hence, is to ensure a maximum of available capacity during TCRs. To know more, go to the Temporary Capacity Restrictions page.

Performance Management & Operation
The main tasks of the PM&O Working Group, led by the C-OSS are:
- Monitoring of punctuality: for details visit this page
- Support for ICM: for details, visit this page
- Monitoring of operational bottlenecks: for details, visit this page

Baltic-Adriatic RFC strives to play the role of market-intelligence for its members and partners. In order to do so, it carries out a number of studies, with the support of a Marketing Working Group:
- For completed studies, see here
- Currently, the Corridor is carrying out a large Capacity Study. Any news about this study, will be published in our website

Interoperability & Infrastructure
Baltic-Adriatic RFC provides the customers and partners with information regarding the current status of the infrastructure along the corridor’s line and the future developments, due to investment projects, thanks to the contributions of the national experts in the Interoperability and Infrastructure WG. For the current status see map in CIP and for the future developments see: